Reflection on StrengthsFinder

In the LDR 101 class, students are required to take the StrengthsQuest quiz which basically reveals their strengths. The strengths are separated into 4 domains: executing, influencing, relationship building, and strategic thinking. After taking the quiz StrengthsQuest highlights the top five strengths in order from highest to lowest. After taking the quiz, it was revealed that my top five strengths were in the domains of executing, relationship building, and strategic thinking. I assumed that the results would be far off and unlike me at all before the quiz, but it presented me things about myself that I never saw as a strength. In all the results I saw a similar shadow side connection of causing stress among each other. However, if used correctly, these strengths could be the cause of the greatest things in my life.

My first result is achiever which falls under the executing domain. I have always been told that I have had an unrelenting drive when I do things and this result only solidified it. An achiever must complete palpable tasks successfully everyday (weekends, holidays, and vacations included) to feel good about themselves. The second result falling under relationship building is individualization. This strength focuses on the different characteristics of each person including themselves. A person with this strength may often be annoyed with stereotypes and observes people very well to communicate with them which definitely resides with me. My next result is arranger which falls under the executing category as well. This strength focuses on organization and categorizing. People under this strength will be able to make the best out of tough situations by making the best out of situations and are labelled as flexible. This one took me by surprise the most because I never realized I do this. I typically make and complete daily checklist with things of priority being at the very at the top. My fourth strength falls under the strategic thinking category as analytical. This person’s thinking is logical and rational with proof (such as facts or statistics) to back it up. This person may find comfort in data because they hold no emotional value and can be taken head on for what it is. Lastly, relator which falls in the relationship building category is my fifth result. A relator is most comfortable with intimacy, tending to settle with building upon relationship with close friends.

Based on this list of results I would like people to see more of the relationship building strengths (individualization and relator) sides of me because they go hand in hand in my personality. I can be shy and quiet, especially around new people. However, a lot of people perceive me as cold and distanced when that really is not the case. As stated earlier, as a person with individualization as a strength, I must get a feel for someone through observations before speaking to them. My biggest fear is jumping into a conversation with someone and possibly offending them because I assumed their character. Due to this, I often hesitate to form new relationships with people and would rather just work on the ones I already have. This reasoning directly pinpoints the relator strength in me. Of course, I would like for people to see all strengths of me, but individualization and relator will help people understand me more.

My First Post

This lifestyle of virtual learning was really difficult to adjust to at first. The professors have all done a great job of trying to help the students acclimate to this new way of learning, but there is one thing keeping me from enjoying this new experience. My brain always points out the fact that my experience at Agnes Scott College would be better (not that it is bad). As a collegiate volleyball player now, I can testify that virtual is not the best method for everything like trainings or trying to connect with teammates. However, with the ongoing pandemic it is the only choice we have. Despite these negative points, I overall enjoy being a student at Agnes Scott College. This school is really progressive to me and the class topics and discussions really shocked me at first. Everyone is really open and genuine with their stances which I really like. All in all, I am sure that things will get better and I am really looking forward to my future as a Scottie.
